From the onset, we like to work with you and your builder/ contractor. They are a valuable resource for understanding the current construction markets, timelines, constructability issues, and cost information. We are happy to assist you in selecting a contractor to work with but we strongly advise working with one prior to the start of construction for the best project delivery.

We know that a great building takes teamwork to create, which is why we believe in partnership.

Starting from nothing to building the design of your dreams might seem like a long and daunting process. We work with you to strategize and organize the best way to get you to your goals. Typically we break out the work into four phases: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, and Construction Administration.

At the end of each phase, a set of drawings is produced. These drawings grow in more detail as we progress from Schematic Design, Design Development through Construction Documents. At this stage the drawings are complete and we can submit your project to the AHJ (Authorities Having Jurisdiction) for permits. Once the required permits are in place, and the contractor is set-up, the Construction Phase of the project commences. We assist during this phase of design by being able to respond to questions, issues that arise during construction, reviewing selections, and other related tasks. This assures that the team is working together to reach the goal of having your design fully realized.